Giving Back

We are passionate about data and making business personal, so why not do it for the common good?

At CloudSocio we work with registered charities on pro bono basis across the region to provide our services and help them achieve their goals. Like any other business, charities also collate data, deploy digital technologies and operate CRM programmes to help them connect with their supporters.

Our team are as passionate about volunteering their time to for the common good, as they are about helping our clients.

Some of the ways we have helped charities in the past...

  • Using analytical skills to create segmentations to help charities understand who their supporters are.
  • Developed segment communication strategies to increase supporter engagement and value.
  • Developed a consolidated view of supporters and reporting dashboards to help charity teams efficiently view supporter metrics.

If you know of a charity that can use our help get in touch with our team.